Saturday, May 24, 2014

And than there were the trees...otherwise known as "fire mitigation"

When we bought the house we knew that we were going to have cut down some trees.  I mean come on there is a tree DIRECTLY under my house in front of my master bedroom....trees were coming down.  So being a smart person I went and got estimates and let me tell you cutting down trees is the business to be in.  I was quoted anywhere from $2000 - $6000 to cut and haul the trees.  My Mom, bless her awesome self, gifted Jordan and I a husqvarna chainsaw for father/mother day and let me tell you...I LOVE THAT THING!

There were a total of 36 trees that had to come down and 10 that had to be trimmed and let me tell you after the whole electrical/landscape debacle my hate fire was raggin' and I had trees to take it out on.  Pretty sure I scared the bejesus out of my Mom a few times but man oh man was it fun.  Now not all the trees are down, there are 8 that have to be professional removed.  They are taller than the house and there is no way I am risking doing damage by taking it down myself.  Plus Jordan wants to take down some trees too :)

I have to have the fire department come out and make sure that I'm good to go and thank you El Paso Country for the Slash/Mulch program.  No kidding $2 a load and they take all the branches and my neighbors who have wood burn have taken the actual trees.  Awesomeness!

Here is some of the pictures for you.

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